Fingering Charts
Trill Fingering Charts
Rhythm Exercises
Teaching students how to read musical notation includes learning how to read and perform various rhythms. Much can be gained by having students work on recognizing rhythmic patterns and basic subdivisions as when students have a good understanding and feel for various rhythmic elements they not only become better music sight-readers, they also improve their overall technique. Typically when students experience difficulty with technical issues in learning their music it is usually because of rhythmic inaccuracy.
These exercises are designed to include a variety of basic time signatures and rhythmic subdivisions of increasing difficulty. A few minutes of working on reading and performing these exercises every class, with or without instruments (clapping, humming, sizzling, singing, etc), will pay dividends. Work on them at a variety of tempos with a metronome. As you work on reading these rhythms, encourage your students to recognise where the rhythms land within the various time signatures. It is more important and effective that students understand where the different rhythmic patterns land within a time signature as opposed to how long the notes are in duration.
Having students demonstrate basic rhythmic subdivisions at various tempos prior to reading these exercises is also of tremendous value to their skill development.
Manuscript Paper PDFs
Free Worksheets
- Crash Course Theory
YouTube playlist by Odd Quartet - Hopkins Jr. High School Instrumental Music Department
Practice Sheets / Theory Assignments - Mr. Krammer’s Music Page
Worksheets and other resources - Mr. R.J. Maglocci Jr. – International Music Instructor
Band Worksheets - Jeff Waggoner – Waggoner Music Publishing
Rhythm Teaching Sheets for Concert Band - Shed The Music
Rhythm Worksheets
Commercially Available Resources
- Breezin’ Thru® Composing
Interactive compositions lessons app - Breezin’ Thru® Theory
Free Sign-Up - JW Pepper
Music Listening Assignments - Sight Reading Factory
Sight Reading and Sight Singing Practice - Stepwise Publications
Free Worksheets for Band - Teachers Pay Teachers
Online marketplace for original educational resources
Browse material for concert band
E-Learning Resources
Here are some great online learning platforms and apps that can help you and your students.
- The Amazing Slowdowner
- Anytune Pro
- Breezin’ Through Theory
- Breezin’ Through Composing
- Drum Genius
- A Drum Lessons Database
- Earmaster
- Easy Ear Training
- FreeJazzLessons
- iRealpro
- Metronome
- Music Matters School
- Musictheory.net
- Noteflight
- A Passion for Jazz
- The Rhythm Trainer
- The Shed
- The Sightreading Factory
- Smartmusic
- Soundtrap
Here are some more great websites for Band Directors.
Professional Associations for Music Educators
- American Bandmasters Association
- Bandworld
- Canadian Band Association
- Canadian Music Educators Association
- Canadian Music Centre
- Coalition for Music Education
- International Society For Music Education
- Namm Foundation
- National Association for Music Education